The Proclaim podcast features all things around sharing Jesus with others.
We found 10 episodes of Proclaim with the tag “discovery”.
005: The Impact List: Deciding Who to Invite with Amber Zolc
November 5th, 2019 | Season 1 | 20 mins 47 secs
alpha, archdiocese of vancouver, catholic vancouver, cco, christianity, cultural context, discovery, evangelization, expectation, faith, gospel, heart for the lost, intentional accompaniment, jesus, relational evangelization, sharing in the workplace, spiritual multiplication, vancouver
In this episode of the Proclaim podcast, Brett and Jason talk with Amber Zolc about creating an “Impact List,” a list of names of people you want to invite to your evangelization initiative. The discuss how God is already working in the life of every person, and we are coming alongside that work in inviting and opening our homes to them.
003: What is Success in Evangelization with Amber Zolc
October 22nd, 2019 | Season 1 | 41 mins 20 secs
cultural context, discovery, expectation, heart for the lost, intentional accompaniment, relational evangelization, reliance on the holy spirit, spiritual multiplication, urgency
In the course of their engaging conversation they discuss the methodologies employed by CCO missionaries in evangelizing and discipling on campus and in parishes, and how we can engage in “spiritual multiplication” and really change the world!