
The Proclaim podcast features all things around sharing Jesus with others.

About the show

How does being on mission translate into the real world? Join the Proclaim team as we sit down with inspiring disciples to talk all things around sharing Jesus with others.

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  • 011: Helping Others Drop their Nets and Follow Jesus with Sherry Weddell

    May 2nd, 2020  |  Season 1  |  30 mins 19 secs
    alpha, archdiocese of vancouver, catholic vancouver, cco, christianity, discovery, evangelization, expectation, faith, gospel, heart for the lost, jesus, vancouver
  • 010: Remaining Steadfast in a Time of Scandal with Peter Herbeck

    December 10th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  35 mins 59 secs
    alpha, archdiocese of vancouver, catholic vancouver, cco, christianity, discovery, evangelization, faith, gospel, jesus, vancouver

    In the second segment of their interview with Peter Herbeck, Brett and Heather ask him about how we can deal with justified outrage at the scandals in the Church, but in ourselves and in conversation with those who might consider leaving the faith altogether.

  • 009: Making Jesus the Lord of Your Life with Peter Herbeck

    December 3rd, 2019  |  Season 1  |  30 mins 40 secs
    alpha, archdiocese of vancouver, catholic vancouver, cco, christianity, discovery, evangelization, faith, gospel, jesus, prayer life, prophetic listening, sharing in the family, sharing your testimony, transformational conversations, urgency, vancouver

    In this week’s episode of the Proclaim podcast, Brett and Heather speak with Peter Herbeck of Renewal Ministries about the 2 major turning points in his own journey of faith, the importance of hungering, thirsting, and seeking for the Lord, and how to get past feelings of being “unqualified” for evangelization.

  • 008: Prayer: How to Listen when God is Speaking with Vernon Robertson

    November 26th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  16 mins 27 secs
    alpha, archdiocese of vancouver, catholic vancouver, cco, christianity, discovery, evangelization, faith, gospel, jesus, vancouver

    In this second part of an interview with Vernon Robertson, Brett and Jason discuss with him how we can pray prophetically, with a listening heart and expansive expectations. Vernon also shares an incredibly powerful story of the Holy Spirit guiding him in a conversation with a family member he was desiring to bring to Jesus.

  • 007: Prayer: Living a Personal Pentecost with Vernon Robertson

    November 19th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  42 mins 31 secs
    alpha, archdiocese of vancouver, catholic vancouver, cco, christianity, discovery, evangelization, faith, gospel, jesus, vancouver

    In this conversation with Vernon Robertson, Brett and Jason discuss his personal journey of faith and the powerful question that led to a total change in his life. They also discuss the absolutely crucial role of the word of God in the prayer life of a missionary.

  • 006: Alpha, Discovery, and Proclaiming the Radical Love of God with Brett Powell

    November 12th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  36 mins 59 secs
    alpha, archdiocese of vancouver, catholic vancouver, cco, christianity, discovery, evangelization, faith, gospel, heart for the lost, jesus, listening, prayer, prophetic listening, reliance on the holy spirit, spiritual accompaniment, vancouver

    In this episode of the Proclaim podcast, Jason and Heather talk with Brett Powell about Alpha and Discovery, two tools for evangelization being employed in the Proclaim movement. They also discuss the phases an evangelist might progress through as he or she matures, and how radically intimate and personal a relationship with God can be.

  • 005: The Impact List: Deciding Who to Invite with Amber Zolc

    November 5th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  20 mins 47 secs
    alpha, archdiocese of vancouver, catholic vancouver, cco, christianity, cultural context, discovery, evangelization, expectation, faith, gospel, heart for the lost, intentional accompaniment, jesus, relational evangelization, sharing in the workplace, spiritual multiplication, vancouver

    In this episode of the Proclaim podcast, Brett and Jason talk with Amber Zolc about creating an “Impact List,” a list of names of people you want to invite to your evangelization initiative. The discuss how God is already working in the life of every person, and we are coming alongside that work in inviting and opening our homes to them.

  • 004: Missionary Advantages and Challenges Today with Fr. James Mallon

    October 29th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  20 mins 39 secs
    alpha, cultural context, hospitality, parish renewal, reliance on the holy spirit, urgency

    In Part 3 of our series with Fr. James Mallon, Brett and Jason speak with him about the importance of focusing on one tool for evangelization and investing deeply in it, and the need to rely on the Holy Spirit.

  • 003: What is Success in Evangelization with Amber Zolc

    October 22nd, 2019  |  Season 1  |  41 mins 20 secs
    cultural context, discovery, expectation, heart for the lost, intentional accompaniment, relational evangelization, reliance on the holy spirit, spiritual multiplication, urgency

    In the course of their engaging conversation they discuss the methodologies employed by CCO missionaries in evangelizing and discipling on campus and in parishes, and how we can engage in “spiritual multiplication” and really change the world!

  • 002: The Primacy of Evangelization with Fr. James Mallon

    October 15th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  29 mins 58 secs
    alpha, evangalization tools, heart for the lost, hospitality, parish renewal, the kerygma, urgency

    In Part 2 of our series with Fr. James Mallon, Brett and Jason speak with him about how crucial it is to give primacy to evangelization in the Church today.

  • 001: What Makes a Missionary Disciple with Fr. James Mallon

    October 8th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  28 mins 20 secs
    alpha, ecumenism, expectation, heart for the lost, holiness, invitation, missionary identity, parish renewal, pope francis, urgency

    In this episode of the Proclaim podcast, Brett and Jason talk with Fr. James Mallon of Divine Renovation about what it really means to be a missionary disciple, and why a missionary disciple might choose to use a resource like Alpha to help others encounter Jesus. This is Part 1 of 3 episodes with Fr. James Mallon.

  • Intro: Why Proclaim and Why Now

    August 14th, 2019  |  41 mins 32 secs
    archdiocese of vancouver, catholic vancouver, christianity, evangelization, faith, gospel, jesus, vancouver

    The vision of the Proclaim Movement is something that has been growing for years, leading up to an impulse that transforms everything. Hear the stories of how God has been moving in the Church and the launch of a movement in the Archdiocese of Vancouver.