Episode 20

019: Listening well and intentionally accompanying


November 18th, 2020

39 mins 29 secs

Season 2

Your Hosts

About this Episode

In this episode of the Proclaim Podcast Eric Chow continues the conversation with Deacons Raffaele Salvino and Richard Conlin. They discuss their experience with CCO's intentional accompaniment masterclass, prophetic listening, and the need to become great listeners in order to live out our missionary discipleship.

0:50 Evangelii Gaudium 169 The Church will have to initiate everyone – priests, religious and laity – into this “art of accompaniment” which teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other (cf. Ex 3:5). The pace of this accompaniment must be steady and reassuring, reflecting our closeness and our compassionate gaze which also heals, liberates and encourages growth in the Christian life.

3:47 Deacon Richard: What a privilege it is to enter into their lives because the Lord has chosen them and deeply desires to have a relationship with them.

8:30 Discusses their experience of CCO's Intentional Accompaniment masterclass. A way to connect years of formation of seminary into living out the parish life.

You can find CCO's Intentional accompaniment model https://cco.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/CCO-Intentional-Accompaniment-Booklet.pdf

12:02 What were some of the ways you found yourself applying intentional accompaniment in your ministry?

Deacon Richard realized that an email blast wasn't enough. "I needed to reach out to them personally..there has to be intentionality to invitations"

16:30 Deacon Raffaele, we need to be prophetically listening - having one ear to the person and one ear to heaven.

20:45 Deacon Raffaele, What is not prophetic listening - while they're talking, I'm not listening and crafting my apologetic response.

20:40 "By your baptism, you're a prophet. The Lord has got your back!" Deacon Richard

26:30 "If I can be a good listener, then I can be confident that the Holy Spirit can work through me" Deacon Rafaelle

33:56 Christ modeled accompaniment with his disciples, and from there his disciples went on to accompany others. Deacon Raffaele.

35:10 Deacon Raffaele's word of encouragement - Accompaniment is easier than you think.

Deacon Richard's word of encouragement - listen well

Eric's word of encouragement - accompaniment isn't just hanging out, it's also inviting people to deeper discipleship and knowing where to take them.

Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!